El Sacramento del Bautismo
San Martín de Tours da la bienvenida a aquellos padres que han tomado la decisión de presentar a sus hijos a Dios a través del Sacramento del Bautismo en la Iglesia Católica. De los padres, recibieron su vida natural, pero ahora Dios Padre los invita a participar en su vida sobrenatural, convirtiéndolos en sus hijos e hijas adoptivos.
Para ayudarle mejor en este proceso, hemos preparado esta hoja informativa. Que Dios los
bendiga y que la Virgen María interceda por ustedes.
Help My Vocation
My name is Cristal Quiñones
I am an aspirant for the Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. What appeals to me most about the Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary is their love for Jesus and their humility and connection with the families they serve. The community evangelizes families to bring them closer to Jesus through the sacraments and parish ministries.
I look forward to helping youth and families through my vocation, but I need your help. Click on the link below from the Laboré Society for more information.

Consecrated life is a way of life in the Catholic Church where people dedicate themselves to God through vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. It's a permanent state of life that's recognized by the Church.
What it involves:
People make public vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, also known as the evangelical counsels.
People make a commitment to live simply, be more open with God, and depend totally on Him.
People serve the Church, the world, and God.
People pursue goals like building up the Church, ministering to others, and working to sanctify the world.
Who participates
People who live in institutes of consecrated life
People who live in societies of apostolic life
People who live as hermits or consecrated virgins
How it's experienced
People participate in ceremonies to make their commitment.
People strive to become one with Jesus Christ, taking on his mind and way of life.
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