Dear St. Martin’s Parishioners,
We’re in the swing of things with sacramental Masses for our youth. After a first Communion Mass last Saturday, one young boy could hardly contain his enthusiasm. He excitedly told me that when he attended Mass before and watched others receiving Communion, it “made him really hungry.” How true that is! Holy Communion is for those who are truly hungry for God: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for the Kingdom of God is theirs” (Mt. 5:6). “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst’” ( Jn. 6:35). Teach us, Lord, to hunger for that which truly satisfies and to fill ourselves with the true bread from heaven!
For those of you who are committed Eucharistic adorers, an order of sisters from Spain who were founded by St. Manuel Gonzalez will be at St. Martin’s promoting the Eucharistic Reparation Union this week. They are going to give a talk in English at 7:00pm in the school library on Tuesday, May 14 and in Spanish on Wednesday at 7:00pm, also in the library.
I wanted to share a facilities update. The two new houses we purchased in September are being used by parish groups as meeting space. Over the next year and a half, the school and parish will join together to see how we can best use the new properties in the long term. We have received permission to demolish the Fr. Meyer House from the city, as its current state is beyond repair. I am currently soliciting bids for the demolition, which will have to be approved by the Archdiocese. I’m happy to say that the new windows and central air in the parish office have made a huge difference for the warm weather. The roof of the office is very old, and water is entering in the house. I am soliciting bids for the replacement of the roof, which I hope to do in the next month or two. Thank you for your generous financial support of the parish, because there is always something new which needs fixing or replacement!
In Christ,
Fr. Dave
