Dear St. Martin’s Parishioners,
This past week about 50,000 Catholics from around the country gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana for the National Eucharistic Revival. A few of our parishioners were in attendance, and I look forward to speaking with them about their experience, as well as how we can continue the momentum of the Eucharistic Revival at St. Martin’s. After this national event highlighting the centrality of the Eucharist in our faith, it is providential that the Church spends the next five Sundays contemplating the sixth chapter of John’s gospel. The Church dedicates more time to John 6 than to any other chapter in the Bible. She does so because Jesus speaks more clearly here than in any other place about the Eucharist being his true flesh and blood.
After five weeks of meditation on John 6, I will prepare to leave with 40 other pilgrims to Fatima, Portugal and Spain. In Spain, we will follow the footsteps of St. Manuel Gonzalez, one of the great Eucharistic priests of the past century, who was canonized by Pope Francis in 2016.
For these reasons my heart and mind are currently drawn to the mystery and reality of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. I thank God for the gift of my priesthood, the gift that allows me to make present the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood for the life of the world. The deeper our belief in and love of Jesus Christ in his Eucharistic mystery, the more we understand God’s plan for the salvation of the world.
Please be generous in donating to the pantry, because out client numbers continue to be inordinately high, while our food reserves are extremely low. Please see the bulletin to see which items are most needed at this time.
In Christ,
Fr. Dave